Why You Should Only Use Seasoned Wood In Your Fireplace
If you’re a novice fireplace user, you may think that any old wood will do when you want to build a cozy fire. Or, maybe you think you can throw any flammable object into the fireplace to get things started. However, it’s crucial that you know the right wood to use in your fireplace for efficiency and safety, and what you should avoid burning.
Use Seasoned Firewood
For wood-burning fireplaces, experts agree that it’s best to use seasoned firewood for the best results. Seasoned firewood is wood that’s been stored and dried for at least six months up to a year before use. Using seasoned firewood is encouraged because it’s dry.
Freshly cut wood can be loaded with up to 45% moisture, causing it to pop and produce more smoke when it’s burning, and both are safety issues. When wood pops, sparks and embers can jump out of the fireplace and ignite wood floors, carpets, or furniture.
Moreover, the more smoke produced, the more quickly creosote builds up in the chimney. Creosote buildup is one of the leading causes of chimney fires. Another reason to use seasoned firewood is that it burns hotter and more efficiently.
As you can imagine, the more moisture in the wood, the more difficult it is to burn, and much of the fire’s energy goes to evaporating the water instead of heating the house. Finally, unseasoned firewood is more difficult to keep lit than seasoned logs. Instead of spending a relaxing evening by the fire, you may get increasingly frustrated trying to keep the fire from going out if you use unseasoned logs.
How To Know Your Firewood Is Ready?
The easiest way to get firewood that’s ready to burn is to purchase it from a reputable seller. However, buying firewood can be expensive, so many prefer to season it themselves. If you’ve stored your firewood for at least six months, you can tell if it’s ready to throw into the fireplace by checking the ends of the logs; if they’re cracked, it’s a sure sign your wood is dry. Moreover, knock a few pieces of wood together; if they sound hollow, they’re ready to go.
If you have the money and don’t want to spend the effort to cut and dry firewood, purchasing kiln-dried wood is another option. Kiln-dried wood burns more efficiently than seasoned firewood because the drying process gets rid of more moisture than letting it sit out to dry, and the kiln produces the same results every time, so it’s more reliable.
Why You Should Only Burn Seasoned Firewood In Your Fireplace
We’ve all heard stories about people burning trash, old furniture, newspapers, and whatever fits in the fireplace, and you may know someone who engages in this. However, the fireplace is designed to burn wood, and that’s it. While it’s tempting to toss anything that can burn into the fireplace, here are some things you should never burn.
Painted or Treated Wood
If you burn painted or treated wood, it can release toxins and chemicals into the house, which can irritate your nasal passages, throat, and lungs and damage your fireplace and flue.
Christmas Trees
It’s tempting to get rid of your Christmas tree by burning it in the fireplace —it seems logical, and you’re killing two birds with one stone. However, the wood will be too moist to burn efficiently, and evergreen trees contain resins that burn hotter than typical seasoned firewood, which increases the risk of a chimney fire.
Like painted wood, burning plastic like bags, bottles, cartons, or wrapping, releases toxic chemicals that put your family’s health at risk, and they’re terrible for the environment.
Printed Paper or Cardboard
The ink used to make printed paper and cardboard products also release toxic gasses when they’re burned, so it’s best to dispose of these items in the trash instead of the fireplace. The bottom line is that the only thing you should ever burn in your fireplace is properly seasoned firewood or kiln-dried firewood for the safest, most efficient fire.
If you have questions about your chimney, wood burning stove, or fireplace, or want to schedule an inspection or cleaning, call Dubuque Fireplace & Patio today. Our professional professionals offer complete chimney services throughout the tri-state area, including repairs, rebuilding, cleaning, and restoration. Contact us at (563) 582-5156.