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Fireplace Tips to Safely Warm You Up This Winter

Because fires have inherent dangers, it is always wise to review fireplace safety tips before using your fireplace each winter. The reality is that many dangerous home fires are caused by fireplaces or chimneys every year. There are many ways in which fireplaces can cause injuries. You can help to ensure the safety of your home and family and enjoy peace of mind by heeding the fireplace safety tips we’ve compiled.

fireplace ash removal, holy cross iaClean Out Ashes

Each time you use your wood-burning fireplace, ash is left on the floor of the firebox. Too much ash build-up can prevent the needed air from getting to the fires. It is not possible for fires to burn efficiently without sufficient air. The result of a lackluster fire can be that smoke enters that home, potentially threatening the health of vulnerable individuals such as the elderly and small children. Routinely clean out your firebox but leave about 1 inch of ash. The layash provides insulation, which helps to retain heat to warm your home.

Protect Children and Pets

If children are around a fireplace, it is important for them to understand that hazards are associated with fires. Dangers children should stay away from include fireplace tools and equipment and dangerously hot glass fireplace doors. Protect small children and pets by placing a barrier around the fireplace. Teach children to always stay at least 3 feet away from fires.

Speak to school-age children about smoke detectors and basic fire safety tips such as planned escape routes and “stop, drop, and roll.”

Burn the Correct Fuel

Never add flammable liquids to your fireplace. All that should be burned is seasoned wood and dry kindling. Softwoods and hardwoods low in moisture are safe to use in your fireplace. Burning anything else can cause such dangers as toxins being released in the air and overfiring the fireplace, which brings the threat of a potential chimney fire and/or home fire.

Do a Smoke Detector Check

Before you use your fireplace for the first time in a new cold season, check the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors on every floor of your home. Test them on a regular basis.

chimney cleaning, rickardsville ia Schedule Chimney Cleaning

Thousands of home fires are the direct result of dirty chimneys every year. Schedule chimney cleaning on a regular basis to remove flammable creosote and prevent creosote build-up blockages

Schedule a Chimney Inspection

Be sure that your chimney is inspected before you light that first fire of the season. There could be obstructions in the chimney and a number of other problems that could threaten the safety of your home and family. For instance, the chimney liner must be fully intact. Otherwise, there is a heightened risk that a house fire will occur and that your family will be exposed to deadly carbon monoxide.



Contact Dubuque Fire & Patio for Chimney Services

The chimney sweeps at Dubuque Fire & Patio are NFI-certified. They have the training and know-how to recognize fire hazards and other dangers associated with fireplaces and chimneys. Contact us today at (563) 582-5156 to schedule chimney services and stay safe when using your fireplace. If you live in or around the Highland WI area, call our sister store, Chimney Specialists, Inc. at (608) 929-4887.

Build Your Own Fireplace